Sunday, April 8, 2012


While we're on the subject of not apologizing for who we are and just being ourselves I am going to apologetically share my beliefs with whoever occasionally peruses this blog.  I am a Lutheran Christian and a broken person; these are my beliefs:

I don't claim to be better than anyone else, I sin just like everyone else.  I do not see it as my place or the church's place to judge people for who they are, what they've done, or how they live (John 8:7).  How can we judge someone for their sins when we have sinned in equal measure?  Answer: we can't, only God is without sin so only He can judge.  It's like the song  "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi, God's message is a message of love, it's only when humans think that their job as Christians is to make sinners repent that this message becomes warped.  Our job is to spread God's message of love to others so that they might know Jesus' love as well.  We are ALL God's children and He loves each of us as such.  He loved us so much that He sent His only Son to be tortured and murdered in order to wipe clean OUR sins.  Had He not done this we would all be going to hell after death because there is NOTHING we can do to make up for our sins.  Only by falling on Jesus sinlessness and crucifixion can we rise to eternal life in heaven.  What's awesome about this is that it DOESN'T matter what we've done, how we've lived, the countless sins we've committed, none of it matters because Jesus died for each and every one of us.  We are all saved, we have all been rescued, we are free from sin.

These are a few songs that really spoke to me about faith and God's love:

Happy Easter!  He is Risen indeed!  Alleluia!

YOU ARE LOVED!!!  NOTHING can separate you from that LOVE!!

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