Best First Kisses on TV: I'm really mad I can't embed this video because it's basically my top ten just out of order...and I don't watch One Tree Hill
And seriously, BEST first kiss EVER, seriously:
Other close favorites:
Carter and Abby (ER):
Damon and Elena (Vampire Diaries):
Kate and Sawyer (not the first kiss, but one of the best ones, Lost):
How Relationships should Start:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Right Decision
Confession #1: I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.
Confession #2: I don't know if switching my major was the right decision.
Confession #3: I don't know if I believe in mistakes.
It's scary when you think about every decision you've ever made and then think "what if..." Then what? What if I'd just stuck out my major, then I'd be a nurse in a couple years and have a set career plan. What if I'd become a biology major, then I could be a doctor. What if I'd transferred to Iowa State, would I be on track to work with horses as my career, would I have switched majors again. Whatifwhatifwhatif? I could have done anything, been anything I wanted to be. . .and still can.
The problem with these questions is that they invoke worry, fear, and doubt. We shouldn't worry. God has a plan, whatever we do for His glory, He will bless.
Bit of a jump here, stay with me but, are there really mistakes? Are mistakes really something you did wrong or are they choices you made that lead you where you're supposed to go? What is a mistake? You learn from them (well most of you) so are they bad? Mistakes are teachers and choices, not errors and shortcomings. So then why worry?
The whole reason behind this post is that I was watching Grey's Anatomy yesterday and started wondering if I'd done a really stupid thing by transferring out of the nursing program, and thinking how my life might have gone in the future had I stuck with it. I could have been a NICU nurse, I could have been a surgeon, I could have spent my life saving people. Only today did I realize how stupid that thought process was. I don't know what's going to happen in the future and I was MISERABLE in the nursing program; miserable to the point of severe depression. Being a nurse was definitely not worth my health or sanity. I can still change/save lives, I don't even have to be in the medical field for that.
So once again I'm going to try to stop worrying and enjoy the ride. More than that I'm going to stop second-guessing myself and start empowering myself. If there's a career that I really, truly feel passionate about I shouldn't let the what ifs stop me from trying for it. I (and everyone else out there) should stop leaving things up to other people.
Stop thinking someone more important than you will change the world. A) you don't know that! B) stop devaluing yourself, you're important so be that change.
Imagine if everyone in the world tried being extraordinary what we could accomplish.
Summary: no right/wrong decisions = no mistakes, just lessons, if you learn from them you will get to where you need to be. P.S. be extraordinary. Fin.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Fair warning: I'm gonna rant
I was recently informed that you should never go to a man when you're looking for emotional support. I had a very mixed reaction to this but the majority of that mix was a very pissed off feeling. Now I realize that all the men we see on TV are actors who have scripts written by women that tell them how to act (which totally warps our ideas about men in general, but that's a rant for a different time), they're not perfect, neither are we (as women) but SERIOUSLY, they're not capable of sympathy. I apologize in advance but that is total bullshipt! Men cannot suck that much or be so immature that they are incapable of emotional support. Just in case they are here are some simple rules to help them out:
- If she comes to you crying it's because she trusts that you can make her feel better, just hold her till she stops then listen to her problems if she wants to talk about them. Better yet, when she stops try to make her laugh or at least take her mind off of whatever upset her.
- Don't ever laugh at her problems.
- Don't ever call her fat.
- If she needs space, give her space. We all enjoy our alone time.
- Try to get to know her. If she's making an effort to get to know you more the least you can do is put as much effort into getting to know her too.
- Don't be shy.
- Be spontaneous (yes this requires thought).
- Hold her in general, she won't break if you touch her.
- Don't be a pretentious douche.
- Don't Ted it up.
- Don't make him watch your girly shows (you're probably watching them at least partially because there's hot guys in them anyway=awkward and rude).
- Be interested in his stuff too, the relationship isn't all about you.
- Be willing to watch sports/guy movies.
- Give him his bro time (you don't need to be with him every second).
- Be a little less self-conscious (at least when you're around him), he likes you the way you are don't second-guess yourself, it's kinda like insulting his taste.
- Be confident.
- Contribute to conversations.
- Be supportive.
- Listen to him at least as much as you want him to listen to you.
- At least OFFER to pay (do the check-dance).
- Be HONEST. If something isn't working it's not going to get better unless you talk about it. Don't let things fester, get them out in the open right away.
Song of 5/20/2012
I love Sara Bareilles' music (if you haven't figured that out yet) and this is one of my new favorites, I LOVE the bluesy jazzy sound, might sing it next year, so enjoy:
Song of Some Days That I Missed (I've been busy)
I realize that it's originally a Bon Iver song, but guess what, I heard this version first and I like it, and this is my blog so I win.
Friday, May 18, 2012
You should probably just chill
Everyone gets hot-headed and impatient sometimes, when this happens you tend to look like a pretentious douche. In order to avoid looking like a pretentious douche you might want to try these things (otherwise you may end up ingesting your waiter's saliva):
Mostly unrelated but it made me laugh:
- When the wait staff at a restaurant is being slow, look around and ask yourself "are they busy?" Think of all the potential reasons your waiter may be slow, then think how you would feel if you were the waiter and some jerk whined to you about not being your number one priority in life. Finally just relax and enjoy the ambiance, if you can't do that, just get up and leave, don't let the situation escalate.
- When someone driving really slow pulls out in front of you, cutting you off, turn up your music and enjoy some "you-time." If you're in a hurry decide that it's ok if you're a few minutes late (unless someone's dying or having a baby, then you go right ahead and blow by that sucker, just realize you may be risking a ticket/accident).
- When some other pretentious douche is tailgating you, instead of stomping on your brakes risking an accident, simply let off the gas, coast, and lightly swerve. Smile at him till he gets the message. Never EVER let him bully you into speeding up, then he wins :p
- When you're at your job and someone comes in and yells at you for anything, smile, it'll drive them nuts.
- When someone makes you feel small don't go cry in a corner, examine why that person is in your life. If they're important to you then they'll understand that you're upset. If it's a random person you'll probably never see again forget about them. If it's your boss or someone you work with decide if the job is worth the stress. If it happens all the time, it's time to change your situation, you're worth more than that treatment!
- When someone looks at you like you are the strangest, most disgusting thing they've ever seen smile at them...maybe wink it'll really freak them out.
- When someone is judging you for the music you listen to, realize you're ok with you who you are and they have no right to judge you for it. It means they're probably more insecure than you are, pat yourself on the back and DON'T judge them back.
- Whenever troubles come recognize all of the blessings in your life and be willing to take the bad with the good.
Mostly unrelated but it made me laugh:
Because I Just Got Done with Finals:
SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (I've turned into a "woo girl" hoping it wears off soon)
The Song that I thought was the $0.69 Song, but wasn't
It's still a good song, and best band name EVER:
The $0.69 Song that I LOVE
Best use if 69 cents on Amazon EVER, this song is an excellent running song!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
You Should Probably Read This Series
Anyways, when I read books I often cast them as a movie in my head so here are my casting picks for "The Mortal Instruments:"
Clary - Lily Collins
Jace - Alex Pettyfer
Simon - Callan McAuliffe
Jocelyn - Rachel Weisz or Elena Satine
Luke - Hugh Jackman
Isabelle - Emma Stone, Naya Rivera, or Olivia Wilde
Alec - Logan Lerman
Valentine - Liam Neeson or Daniel Craig
Raphael - Adam G. Sevani
Magnus - Zachary Quinto
Maryse - Demi Moore, Jordana Brewster, or Jennifer Garner
Robert - Goran Visnjic
Maia - Malese Jow
Aline - Victoria Justice or Kristin Kreuk
Sebastian/Jonathan - Tom Felton or Jared Padalecki
Kyle - Kellan Lutz
There is also a prequel series (which is equallyish as good) called "The Infernal Devices," here is my casting for them:
Tessa - Jennifer Lawrence
Will - Pierre Boulanger (only British) or a younger Ian Somerhalder or Chace Crawford
Jem - Shannon Kook (yes that's a boy)
Jessamine - Dianna Agron or Claire Holt
Charlotte - Natalie Portman
Henry - Kevin McKidd or Arthur Darvil
Sophie - Lauren Cohan or Lyndsy Fonseca
Gabriel - Liam Hemsworth
Gideon - Chris Hemsworth
Benedict - Joseph Fiennes
Magnus - Zachary Quinto
Camille - Katie Cassidy or Charlize Theron or January Jones
Nate - Zach Roerig
Mortmain - Jude Law
If you've read the books feel free to give me your input on my cast and on yours (if you're as weird as I am).
Good Night!
Song of the Past Few Days
I missed some days So What (By P!nk), it's finals week and this is pretty much my attitude
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Aaaannnndddd CHECK!
Bucket list things I've done so far:
Exciting! :) I'll try to post a video of my solo and kick-@$$ duet with and awesome friend soon! G'night world!
- Learned the Official Fake I.D. Line Dance
- Went line dancing (however, I'm not awesome yet)
- Tried Hot Yoga (and loved it!)
- Trotted bareback (not quite galloping but getting there....and I fell off)
- Conquered my fear of singing a solo (tonight)!!!!
Exciting! :) I'll try to post a video of my solo and kick-@$$ duet with and awesome friend soon! G'night world!
Song of The Next 26 Minutes:
I should not drive when this song comes on the radio because dancing takes precedence over driving ;)
P.S. I LOVE The Wanted!!
P.S. I LOVE The Wanted!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Song of the Day
Cause it's now May 8th ;)
This song has such a good message! And yes I admit I got it from the Vampire Diaries, but there's no denying that show has good music.
The night is slowly closing
But my eyes are slowly opened
And I see that somewhere in you
There is a good heart
There is a good soul
For everyone lost in the silence
For every one missing piece
For every will that is broken
No matter how dark it may be
There is redemption
I feel the threat of thunder
But this rain can't last forever
The light chases the dark
Where there's a good heart
There is a good soul
For everyone lost in the silence
For every one missing piece
For every will that is broken
No matter how dark it may be
There is redemption
There is redemption
For everyone lost in the silence
There is redemption
This song has such a good message! And yes I admit I got it from the Vampire Diaries, but there's no denying that show has good music.
The night is slowly closing
But my eyes are slowly opened
And I see that somewhere in you
There is a good heart
There is a good soul
For everyone lost in the silence
For every one missing piece
For every will that is broken
No matter how dark it may be
There is redemption
I feel the threat of thunder
But this rain can't last forever
The light chases the dark
Where there's a good heart
There is a good soul
For everyone lost in the silence
For every one missing piece
For every will that is broken
No matter how dark it may be
There is redemption
There is redemption
For everyone lost in the silence
There is redemption
Monday, May 7, 2012
You should probably....
I'm gonna start a series about stuff you should probably......
and then I'll fill in the ...... with a subject for instance:
"Things you should probably do while driving"
and then I'll fill in the ...... with a subject for instance:
"Things you should probably do while driving"
- Turn your headlights on when it's snowing (car is white, snow is white, ground is covered with snow, clouds are white, sky is white, NO I cannot see you snow ninja!)
- Signal before hitting your breaks to turn
- Signal before you turn
- Stop at STOP signs (little traffic lesson, "stop" means cease all motion, then go, "yield" means go ahead if no ones coming, they are NOT the same!)
- Not tailgate me, I'll probably stop on my breaks or just let off the gas and we can see how far my car coasts before it stuff
- Not use your phone (unless at a stoplight), I guarantee you people know you're doing it and their calling you names
- Pay attention, green means go
- Don't cut people off and then go under the speed limit, there's a name for that move, rhymes with pick
- Go the speed limit, or maybe a little bit over, just not under
- Don't run red lights
- Slow down when the light turns yellow if there's someone trying to turn left in the intersection
- Chill dude
- Pump the tunes
- Not do your make-up (sharp pencil in your eye will traveling at 40mph just seems stupid)
- Wear shoes
- Wave at random strangers (especially if they're driving the same car as you)
- Yield to the right of way
- Not get pulled over
- Get caught dancing
- Fill in the blank
Friday, May 4, 2012
Need a Laugh?
Watch These:
Brought to you by a few of my favorite shows (in no particular order):
How I Met Your Mother:
Vampire Diaries:
Brought to you by a few of my favorite shows (in no particular order):
How I Met Your Mother:
Vampire Diaries:
Song of the Day
Not gonna lie, there were times today when I really wanted to sing this to someone(s)
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Something New
So yesterday I finally did what I've been trying to do for months: hot yoga (aka Bikram yoga). I drove my little self down to IC with a friend and we took a class. It was way outside of my comfort zone, I had no idea what I was doing or what to expect, I was worried about the heat, and I was scared of being judged by the other students. All of that fell away when the class started. It was AMAZING (I'll be going back tomorrow if anyone else wants to join).
Being Judged:
The truth is that everyone is there for themselves. They don't care what you're doing they are focused on their body. Everyone works at their own pace which is why beginners and advanced students can take the same class. You work as far into the pose as you feel comfortable and you focus and correct form first. You can bend yourself in half or twist into a pretzel but if you're not doing it with a correct form you might as well not even be doing it. Summary: everyone I talked to was very nice and the instructors were fabulous = NO judging.
The Heat:
I don't do well in the heat, I usually throw up or pass out when doing anything mildly strenuous. The heat in a hot yoga class is different. You're not wearing much in terms of clothing so the temperature (to me) is actually quite comfortable. The heat is there so you don't injure your muscles while working into the poses, it also allows you to work further into poses than you would be able to without in. In other words it turns you into a yoga BEAST!! I felt so awesome being able to bend like that. The heat also causes you to literally sweat gallons (you sweat from every pore in your body including places you may not have thought you had pores) so you sweat off all of the toxins that may have been sitting on your skin = your skin is going to glow. Summary: you only notice the heat in a good way, it's not in any way oppressive.
Not knowing what you're doing/what to expect:
I think it was better not knowing anything because I went into class as a blank page and left with some scribbles of yoga knowledge. I also didn't have any expectations so there was no way for me to be disappointed. Don't let the fact that you don't know anything about yoga stop you from trying it. Summary: you have to start somewhere because if you start nowhere then you're nowhere.
Comfort Zone: get out of it! It's good for you!
I highly recommend Hot Yoga to anyone with an open mind who wants to try something new and get a FANTASTIC workout!
Here is a link to Hot House Yoga's website if you are interested in learning more.
Song of Today:
The original song get's stuck in my head all the time, but it's not as awesome as this version:
true story.
true story.
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