I was recently informed that you should never go to a man when you're looking for emotional support. I had a very mixed reaction to this but the majority of that mix was a very pissed off feeling. Now I realize that all the men we see on TV are actors who have scripts written by women that tell them how to act (which totally warps our ideas about men in general, but that's a rant for a different time), they're not perfect, neither are we (as women) but SERIOUSLY, they're not capable of sympathy. I apologize in advance but that is total bullshipt! Men cannot suck that much or be so immature that they are incapable of emotional support. Just in case they are here are some simple rules to help them out:
- If she comes to you crying it's because she trusts that you can make her feel better, just hold her till she stops then listen to her problems if she wants to talk about them. Better yet, when she stops try to make her laugh or at least take her mind off of whatever upset her.
- Don't ever laugh at her problems.
- Don't ever call her fat.
- If she needs space, give her space. We all enjoy our alone time.
- Try to get to know her. If she's making an effort to get to know you more the least you can do is put as much effort into getting to know her too.
- Don't be shy.
- Be spontaneous (yes this requires thought).
- Hold her in general, she won't break if you touch her.
- Don't be a pretentious douche.
- Don't Ted it up.
Now I realize women are nowhere near perfect either in the eyes of men so here are some rules for us:
- Don't make him watch your girly shows (you're probably watching them at least partially because there's hot guys in them anyway=awkward and rude).
- Be interested in his stuff too, the relationship isn't all about you.
- Be willing to watch sports/guy movies.
- Give him his bro time (you don't need to be with him every second).
- Be a little less self-conscious (at least when you're around him), he likes you the way you are don't second-guess yourself, it's kinda like insulting his taste.
- Be confident.
- Contribute to conversations.
- Be supportive.
- Listen to him at least as much as you want him to listen to you.
- At least OFFER to pay (do the check-dance).
Let's face it, we're never going to completely understand each other, but if we're going to be in relationships let's at least try to be what the other needs us to be. If you can't then get out of the relationship or you're both going to end up miserable. On that note, advice for everyone:
- Be HONEST. If something isn't working it's not going to get better unless you talk about it. Don't let things fester, get them out in the open right away.
That is all.
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