Friday, June 22, 2012

You Can't Always Get What You Want But if You Try Sometimes You Get What You NEED

Ok first, the above picture has NOTHING to do with this post, it just makes me chuckle so I felt compelled to include it.  Second, yes I used the glee cover instead of the original, so sue me.

This post is for all the ladies out there who put everyone else's needs/happiness before their own. . . . .this post is for all the ladies out there.  We are very caring people, we would rather be hurt ourselves than hurt other people so often times we just live with pain.  Well ladies, this isn't healthy.  Yes it's good to take care of other people, but you do that well unless you take care of yourself.

Example: you have to put your own oxygen mask on before you put the oxygen masks on your kids because if you pass out before you finishing putting the masks on everybody suffers.

Real life: you have to take care of yourself first (at least make yourself somewhat halfway content with your life) because if you don't you're going to be pissy (my brother's description, not mine) and then everybody suffers.

Being selfish even to the slightest extent is really hard, it goes against our very nature, but it's necessary for us to do our jobs right.  First step to taking care of yourself, be honest about your feelings and needs.  Be honest with yourself and be honest with those who your feelings/needs affect.  If you aren't honest and don't address your needs, nothing will change and things will deteriorate.

Sometimes honesty hurts, but it's gonna hurt worse if you let feelings stew so just throw it out there, rip the band-aid off, and address your problems.

Suggestion: start by being honest with yourself; take 15 minutes every day and write down things that are bothering you and what you can do/ask for to help change these things.

Another Suggestion: take some time every day just for yourself, do something you want, sit down with some coffee and read a book, watch tv, go for a run/walk, play with your dog, I really don't care what you do (as long as it's not a serial killer/stalker type thing) just make sure you're doing it for you.  Perhaps start with 15/30 minutes a day and go from there.

Final Suggestion: get a decent amount of sleep every night, aim for at least 6 hours (preferably 8), set your bedtime and stick to it.

All of this is way easier said than done (especially when it involves telling people potentially hurtful honesties - it's a word now, tell your friends) but it's something that's gotta be done so do it, grow some lady-balls and just do it.

Ok, it's late and I'm no longer being ever-so-slightly profound so I'm gonna quit (don't know if I'm still ahead so I'll quit now just in case I still am).

Night peeps!

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