Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Spicy Italian Veggies with Chicken

Photo: My new favorite meal

This is my favourite meal of the moment.  It is easy to fix, cheap, super health, and, most importantly, super DELICIOUS!

I don't really measure things when I cook (except for when I bake), but here is an approximate recipe:


  1. Red Bell Pepper
  2. Green Bell Pepper
  3. Mushrooms
  4. Onions
  5. Extra Spicy Bolognese Sauce
  6. Pre-cooked Chicken Breast (optional)
  7. Cheese (optional - I use mature cheddar and/or Parmesan) 
  8. Fat = Olive Oil and/or Vitalite Butter
Seasoning (to taste):
  1. Salt
  2. Pepper
  3. Garlic
  4. Oregano
  1. Saute all vegetables in small amount of fat until mushrooms become tender (squishy) and all veggies begin to shrink
  2. Add sauce and chicken; heat until bubbling
  3. Pour into bowl/onto plate
  4. Add cheese if desired
It's that easy. 

I buy everything (except for the bell peppers) pre-chopped at Tesco.  A punnet of 3 shopped onions is £1,  as is a bag of chopped mushrooms.  A bag of 3 bell peppers is £1.50.  I think the sauce was £1-2, and the cheese was 2 bags for £3.  The chicken is the most expensive part, I bought mine pre-cooked and chopped this time for £2.05.  Next time I will buy a whole chicken, bake it, and freeze/defrost as needed.

This would be excellent over rice, quinoa, or pasta, but it's also delicious on its own.  I'm planning on modifying it slightly to make a fajita version.


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