Things I've Learned About Myself:
- I can be social, I just chose not to most of the time.
- I'm capable of taking care of myself
- I'm capable to traveling internationally, alone
- I'm capable of being a leader
- I drink responsibly
- I can be organised when the time calls for it
- I am capable of meal-planning, budgeting, and shopping for myself
- I can control my impulse-buying (except when books are involved)
- I am a good listener
- I am a good friend
Things to work on:
- Asking for what I need
- Voicing my opinion
- Confrontation
- Not comparing myself to others
- Vulnerability - I'm ok with it for a while, then I get tired of myself and shut it down; I'm scared of my own emotions
- Putting God first in EVERYTHING
- Trust
- Confidence
- Playing nice with others
- Not running away
Things I love:
- Getting to know people on a deeper level, and being known
- Midnight walks and runs
- When others take the time to get to know me
- Little acts of service
- Baking/cooking for others
- Bailey's Hot Chocolate
- Learning about myself
- Alone time - I love people, but sometimes I just need to be on my own
- Being allowed to be me
Things that bug:
- Double-standards
- Being told how I feel
- Being made to feel inferior (I do it to myself all the time, but apparently I'm the only one who's allowed)
- Being told to just shrug something off
- Discourtesy
- Being confined
- Passive-aggressive comments
- Being deprived of horses
- Assumptions
- Having your entire grade dependent on 1 or 2 assignments
These three months have been a huge blessing on my life, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Not all of the decisions I've made here have been the "right" ones, but I've learned and grown from each and every one of them. I'd like to thank everyone who was part of getting me here, especially my family and friends for all of their love and support. I'd also like to thank all of the friends I've made here for making me feel welcome and loved. I didn't know it was possible to develop such deep, and meaningful friendships in such a short amount of time; I am TRULY thankful for each and every one of you!
This is not an Oscar's acceptance speech so I'm going to stop before it gets too long and maybe do something productive....pffff who are we kidding, I was productive yesterday ;)

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