1) The "stranger" is a vampire - this explains:
- Why he wants "your blood, all over me"
- How he was able to rip the other babysitter and kids apart with nothing but his bare hands
- Why he attacks at night
- Mind. BLOWN!
- Rules Jill manages to follow:
- Cardio - Jill is a champion sprinter at her high school and she uses her speed to her advantage
- Don't Hesitate - she is pretty quick-witted when she's actually under attack, she even manages to blow up a fireplace causing a distraction (while being strangled) and stab her attacker in the hand, pinning him to the floor
- Sensible shoes - running shoes, can't get much more sensible than that
- Ditch your phone - she doesn't have a cell phone with her, but uses the phone she does have to her advantage; she doesn't, however, ditch it, but it works to her advantage so I'm not gonna count it against her
- Think things through - she carefully considers how to move around the house and where to go. She responds fairly well as the situation unfolds - she is capable of thinking on her feet.
- Don't be an idiot - although she is clearly scared by the situation, she doesn't lose her head, and manages to form a decent plan of attack/escape - she doesn't just stand around screaming
- Trust Your Instincts - she realizes something is wrong pretty quickly and tries to get help (calls the police, the parents, her dad, the maid, the restaurant, and everyone else she can think of)
- Weapon - she almost always carries something she can use as a weapon with her when she investigates noises or whatever
- Know your surroundings - she knows them well enough to cause an explosion with a bottle of tequila and a fireplace power button
- Don't hesitate to call the police - she calls them as soon as she starts getting weirded out and they help her, huh, who-da-thunk?
- Look up - she sees him in the rafters and reacts immediately
- Rules Jill blatantly ignores:
- DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE - had Jill let the calls go to the answering machine she probably wouldn't have has a problem (this vampire clearly likes to play with his food, if his food won't play he'll prolly just find new food). Not only does she answer it once
- Buddy System - Jill has multiple opportunities to have a friend stay with her when things start getting weird, by the time she actually seeks out a buddy it's too late
- Have good taste in men - Bobby is a lying, cheating, weasily, little bastard
- Don't Answer the Door - not only does she answer the door, but at one point she actually leaves the house
- Don't go upstairs - she does go upstairs and then has to get back down them in a state of shear terror without getting killed. She also gets drug down stairs which looked really painful, but had she not made for the stairs it never would've happened.
- Don't assume you're safe - she assumes that she's ok when she sees Rosa's car, even though Rosa mysteriously disappeared earlier that evening and isn't answering her phone or vocal calls. . .hmmm that's just a little odd

Isn't watching "scary" movies educational?
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