Thursday, November 8, 2012

Things to do When You're Sick:

  1. Sleep, a lot, all the time, don't care who knows it
  2. Watch an entire TV Series on Netflix
  3. Spend way too much time on YouTube
  4. Read an entire book - frivolous reading, nothing too serious
  5. Eat whatever you want (which probably won't be much because you're sick)
  6. Spend the day in pajamas
  7. Do homework (hahahaha...yeah I'm not gonna do homework)
  8. Watch Bridesmaids, it'll make ya feel better
  9. Curl up in a snuggie
  10. Drink some tea with honey and lemon
  11. Write a blog post about what to do when you're sick
  12. Eat some soup. . . . Soup UP!
  13. Beat every level of Angry Birds
  14. Crush everyone you play in Words With Friends
  15. Sleep some more

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