Things I thought and/or said recently that caused amusement in my brain:
- The Kardashians are adorable, they're really nice people. . . .oh God help me!
- Why are Chex so damn delicious?
- I have an addiction and it's not like my addiction to craisins, that one I can stop at any time.
- Oh sure computer, Kardashian is a real word, but craisins isn't, check your priorities at the door please.
- "Swagger Jagger, swagger jagger! You should get some of your own". . . . .crap.
- Is watching Twilight more or less socially acceptable than watching KUWTK?
- This is where I'm gonna set my snacks when I'm pregnant. . . . aw crap, I'm not gonna be able to see the TV!
- I'm gonna take some drugs, go to bed, then take a shower.
- Ian Somerhalder needs to get off his soapbox.
- I don't need to finish this movie, I just read the entire book on my phone => running joke for the rest of The Color Purple you kinda had to be there
- I'm jealous of kangaroos - can't take credit, my sister said that.
- I think adopting a husky puppy would cure the flu. . . . .and Lyme Disease.
- I want a pickle, like all the time.
- I thought you misspelled idk, you actually wrote ick, as in yuck, it took me a while to figure that out.
- Would you rather babysit: a Kardashian kid, Snooki's kid, or Honey Boo Boo? These are the questions that haunt me. . . . . .definitely a Kardashian kid, they're such nice people.
Well, I thought they were funny. But I was also present the first time they happened...and my brain has bugs in it! :)