Things I did today in Canterbury, Kent, England:
- Woke up at 5am (before the sun)
- Organised my room
- Took pictures
- Watched some Doctor Who
- Watched some Gilmore Girls
- Went in search of coffee, found it in the Atrium at Augustine House
- Was registered as a student at CCCU (yay!)
- Listened to the International Office talk about Canterbury and Accomodation (sighed when it sank in that we are responsible for all the cleaning and if we fail inspection - which happens once a week - we get fined)
- Went for lunch
- Learned how to order lunch in a Pub
- Ate chips - they were delicious
- Had some great conversations with some new friends :)
- Planned for adventure and picked some weekend trips to go on (equine excursion across Wales here I come!)
- Took a self-directed walking tour of Canterbury (did not get lost)
- Had touristy moments
- Saw people walking down High Street dressed in Harry Potter costumes
- Got blisters on me...ankles
- Switched shoes
- Went grocery shopping, forgot to buy a salty snack :(
- Returned home and up 3 flights of stairs laden with groceries
- Put groceries away and enjoyed dinner of delicious gf/df bread and butter (also had fruit then more bread, butter, and apricot jam)
- Had some down-time and journaled
- Read some more letters from home (they'll probably all be read by the end of this week)
- Got fed up trying to make Netflix work
- Watched more Doctor Who
- Got to know my flatmates a little more (they are all AWESOME!)
- Ran away from a spider (Tigre..... :P)
- Wrote this blog
- Going to bed...?
That's pretty much my day in a nutshell, twas quite good :)
Tomorrow I have more lectures in the morning...well pretty much all day actually, but I'm going for discount Starbucks at 8:30am which is 10 hours from now. Good Night (well, afternoon to you in the States)!
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