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I must say the walk did not feel long until we actually got to Whistable then all I wanted to do was sit down! One of the main reasons we went to Whitstable was to visit the fabled V.C. Jones - home of the best Fish and Chips in all of England so that the was the first place we found. Unfortunately for us we left ungodly early and arrived 20 minutes before the shop opened so what did we do? We visited the Sweets Shop next door and I got dark chocolate covered ESPRESSO beans, day = made! We then stood awkwardly (pronounced ork-wood-lee) around the chipshop until it opened.

After we all ordered and got our food we walked to the beach and ate on a bench overlooking a beach (and apparently the distant shores of Essex through the fog). We all did our best to finish our GIANT portions (I failed and mine was a small side of chips) then went for a walk along the beach. We took pictures, found tiny crabs, then walked back up the beach to sit on a pile of rocks where we proceeded to nap/hunt for pretty rocks like 5 year olds.

After our wee rest we ventured back into town and did some perusing. We shopped a bit and then stumbled upon a tea room where decided to have tea (shocking, I know, you probably thought we would have alcohol). Sitting was wonderful and the tea made us all feel warm and happy inside. Over tea we shared our favourite childhood memories, it was really nice getting to know everyone a little better :)

After tea we did some more shopping then took the bus back to Canterbury (we thought about walking, but that was as far as it went) where we encountered the Canterbury Food and Wine Festival (to which we will be returning tomorrow). We proceeded to hunt for free samples and tasted some VERY delicious things including Bailey's Fudge. After wandering around for a while we went back to our prospective homes exhausted. Tonight is a stay-in-cuddle-under-a-blanket-drink-tea-and-watch-harry-potter kind of night (which is what we're planning on doing shortly).

Unfortunately I have the beginnings of the Fresher's Flu, I can't breath and feel like I'm drowning when I lay down. I think tomorrow will be a lazy sleeping sort of day so that I'm well-rested for HARRY POTTER EXPERIENCE on Monday :)

I must say the walk did not feel long until we actually got to Whistable then all I wanted to do was sit down! One of the main reasons we went to Whitstable was to visit the fabled V.C. Jones - home of the best Fish and Chips in all of England so that the was the first place we found. Unfortunately for us we left ungodly early and arrived 20 minutes before the shop opened so what did we do? We visited the Sweets Shop next door and I got dark chocolate covered ESPRESSO beans, day = made! We then stood awkwardly (pronounced ork-wood-lee) around the chipshop until it opened.

After we all ordered and got our food we walked to the beach and ate on a bench overlooking a beach (and apparently the distant shores of Essex through the fog). We all did our best to finish our GIANT portions (I failed and mine was a small side of chips) then went for a walk along the beach. We took pictures, found tiny crabs, then walked back up the beach to sit on a pile of rocks where we proceeded to nap/hunt for pretty rocks like 5 year olds.

After our wee rest we ventured back into town and did some perusing. We shopped a bit and then stumbled upon a tea room where decided to have tea (shocking, I know, you probably thought we would have alcohol). Sitting was wonderful and the tea made us all feel warm and happy inside. Over tea we shared our favourite childhood memories, it was really nice getting to know everyone a little better :)

After tea we did some more shopping then took the bus back to Canterbury (we thought about walking, but that was as far as it went) where we encountered the Canterbury Food and Wine Festival (to which we will be returning tomorrow). We proceeded to hunt for free samples and tasted some VERY delicious things including Bailey's Fudge. After wandering around for a while we went back to our prospective homes exhausted. Tonight is a stay-in-cuddle-under-a-blanket-drink-tea-and-watch-harry-potter kind of night (which is what we're planning on doing shortly).

Unfortunately I have the beginnings of the Fresher's Flu, I can't breath and feel like I'm drowning when I lay down. I think tomorrow will be a lazy sleeping sort of day so that I'm well-rested for HARRY POTTER EXPERIENCE on Monday :)

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