Oh my goodness! There is so much to talk about. For this post I will only talk about the fieldtrip I had yesterday. Yesterday the whole lot of Americans (North America includes Canada) traveled by coach (luxury charter bus) to the ruins of a Roman fort in Richborough near the coast. It was amazing to see something so historical, something that has withstood thousands of years of attack (from the elements or otherwise) in person. Walking where Roman soldiers once walked was a pretty cool feeling.
The fort had many layers of deep trenches (probably 6-7 feet down and quite steep) surrounding and within the walls. Of course when we were let loose on the property after a brief history lesson we all attempted to cross the trenches (we could have walked to the crossways, but we didn't know they existed at the time) on foot - fun times were had by all. We then meandered around the fort for an hour taking pictures (that's where my current profile pic came from) and visiting about travel plans (a group of girls left for Scotland from Broadstairs - I hope they had the most fabulous time!!).
After the fort we were bused to Broadstairs which is a lovely coastal town eerily reminiscent of Walker, MN. In Broadstairs we had a quick break for lunch - everyone had Fish and Chips, I had chips I nicked from Sarah, water, and bread and butter. After lunch we met on the cliffs (there's a boardwalk type walkway with shops and stuff) and set off on our 2 mile hike (and I do mean hike) to a lighthouse and beach. Upon arriving at the lighthouse we took pictures then cut through farmland (saw PONIES!!!) and walked to the beach where there were many photo ops (see Facebook).

After the bakery we split ways and my group of three other awesome ladies went for a long walk around the quaint town of Broadstairs (trying to shop, but by then it was 4pm and shops were closing). We ended up by the beach where we played an awesome game of truth or dare and got to know each other a lot better. Once again a great time was had by all. Our fun ended when a group of teenage girls asked us if we wanted to buy a bag and we quickly departed the shelter where we were sitting.
We then went to a giftshoppe where we met the nicest ladies who gave us advice on traveling not only around England, but the rest of Europe as well. They encouraged us to see as much as possible and not to be scared because England is much, much safer than America. Before we went on our way they gave us free magnets! I love people :)
After that we went in search of food and found other people from our main group who had stayed in Broadstairs for the day. We tried to find a restaurant together but all the good places were booked up because of a concert (school children) and fireworks show that was happening on the beach that evening. We ended up re-splitting up and eating at a shady Indian joint which actually had pretty tasty food.
After the Indian food we went down to the beach where we watched some weird school dance production thing about Britain and then some fantastic fireworks. Afterwords we walked to the train station and caught a train back to Canterbury which was crazy with night life because all the students moved back yesterday. Unfortunately I was feeling old and tired so I stayed in and didn't really do anything at all. That was my yesterday, how was yours? ;)
P.S. All these photos were taken by my phone...be impressed.
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