Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another Survey! (this one is much better than the last one)

 Movie at the moment?
I like that it's "at the moment" because my favorites change like the seasons, at this moment I am
 LOVING  Snow White and the Huntsman but my favorite movie of all time is and probably will forever be The Mummy
because once wasn't enough:

Jelly Belly jelly bean?
Watermelon, I know, sooo original

Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred

Name for a girl?
Katherine, it's a family name

Compliment to receive?
One time someone told me that I sang like Rachel Berry, not gonna lie, that was a shining moment in my life

Thing to say?
I say the words "awesome" and "cool beans" way more than anyone should, but I'm trying to bring back the phrase "jump back!" because it makes me chuckle

Talk show host?
Either Jimmy Kimmel or Kelly Rippa (I'm an old lady ok, I like Regis and Kelly except now it's just Kelly)

Bow and arrow, it's very elegant

Last Thing
 that was told to you?
My sister woke up at various hours this morning

Thing you ate?
Cookie dough, next time we are leaving out the peanut butter

Person that pissed you off?
Can't think of a specific person (it probably involved idiots on the road) but what's pissing me off right now is my leg, it's spasming and when it does a) it hurts and b) it looks like it has a freakin heartbeat it's sooooo gross! 

Person that you pissed off?
I'm gonna have to say my stomach because whenever I try to eat food it's like "dude no!" and then I feel and/or get sick

Song you listened to?
Last song: Gonna Get Over You by Sara Bareilles
Current song: Holding a Heart by A Girl Named Toby 

Book you read?
New Book: Embrace by Jessica Shirvington
Actual last book (that I re-read): City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

Thing you were confused about?
LIFE! what I'm supposed to do with mine, how it affects other people, why my leg keeps TWITCHING!!!! it's so GROSS!! 

TV show you watched?
Heartland it's a Canadian show about horses

Thing that made you feel like crap?
MY LEG!!!!! and my stomach (in a rather literal sense ha ha ha)
Emotionally: not knowing what to do about how I feel about certain things in my life and the Victoria's Secret giant poster thing at the mall which is placed ironically next to Betty Jane Candy Store (I still went in but I bet it's hurting their business)

Have You Ever
 Tried to kill someone?
Only with my mind, turns out you can't explode people with your mind

Lied to a priest?
I can't recall the last time I talked to a priest, but I don't think I've ever intentionally lied to my pastor

Ridden a horse?
Dumbest question on this survey? found it!

Burst a blood vessel?
Yes, in my eye, it was gross

Forgotten what month it was?
I actually thought it was still May

Nope and never will

Made up your own constellations?
Yes, mine was called Triangle, it was a triangle

Would you ever
Be a lawyer?
Possibly but only a mediator not a court lawyer

Kill yourself?
I don't think so

Eat sushi?
I ate some sushi and I liked it! (to the tune of a used-to-be-overplayed Katy Perry song)

Move to another country?
Yes, I like adventure, kinda wanna live in Venezuela for a year

Drive an orange car?
Well it would be easy to spot in a crowded parking lot

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