Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Yes I like the hashtag thing, it's fun, I think I'm going to use it whenever I find a cause or foundation I want to support.  Anywho, for those of you who don't know (which is probably none of you), my sister has Lyme's Disease which is a very debilitating and frustrating tick-born illness.  She recently started a new blog getting the info out on Lyme's and spreading awareness.  If you all could take a moment and at least glance at it, please do, if not, here is a snippet:

Lyme disease is known as “the second Great Imitator” for this very reason. It appears in each person differently and affects them differently as the bacteria progresses in their system. For me, it has attacked my nervous system, including my brain and my heart. Pain is something I have grown accustomed to, but I refuse to let it stop me.

Click here for more info: Going Lime for Lyme 

Educate yourselves please:
Here is a list of symptoms from the Tick-Borne Disease Alliance
•    Fatigue
•    Low grade fevers, "hot flashes" or chills
•    Night sweats
•    Sore throat
•    Swollen glands
•    Stiff neck
•    Migrating arthralgias, stiffness and frank arthritis
•    Myalgia
•    Chest pain and palpitations
•    Abdominal pain, nausea
•    Sleep disturbance
•    Poor concentration and memory loss
•    Irritability and mood swings
•    Depression
•    Back pain
•    Blurred vision and eye pain
•    Jaw pain
•    Testicular/pelvic pain
•    Tinnitus
•    Vertigo
•    Cranial nerve disturbance (facial numbness, pain, tingling, palsy or optic neuritis)
•    Headaches
•    Lightheadedness
•    Dizziness
•    Mysterious migrating symptoms that seem to come and go
•    Cyclical symptoms

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