Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Just for fun...

Ok, so I recently watched "When A Stranger Calls" (for kicks and giggles) with my brother and learned 2 things:

1) The "stranger" is a vampire - this explains:
  • Why he wants "your blood, all over me"
  • How he was able to rip the other babysitter and kids apart with nothing but his bare hands
  • Why he attacks at night
  • Mind. BLOWN!
 2) I judged the main chick (Jill Johnson) a bit too harshly, she actually followed my rules pretty well, and she does survive the ordeal (and save the kids so bonus points for that).  Let's have a look:
  • Rules Jill manages to follow:
    1. Cardio - Jill is a champion sprinter at her high school and she uses her speed to her advantage
    2. Don't Hesitate - she is pretty quick-witted when she's actually under attack, she even manages to blow up a fireplace causing a distraction (while being strangled) and stab her attacker in the hand, pinning him to the floor
    3. Sensible shoes - running shoes, can't get much more sensible than that
    4. Ditch your phone - she doesn't have a cell phone with her, but uses the phone she does have to her advantage; she doesn't, however, ditch it, but it works to her advantage so I'm not gonna count it against her
    5. Think things through - she carefully considers how to move around the house and where to go.  She responds fairly well as the situation unfolds - she is capable of thinking on her feet.
    6. Don't be an idiot - although she is clearly scared by the situation, she doesn't lose her head, and manages to form a decent plan of attack/escape - she doesn't just stand around screaming
    7. Trust Your Instincts - she realizes something is wrong pretty quickly and tries to get help (calls the police, the parents, her dad, the maid, the restaurant, and everyone else she can think of)
    8. Weapon - she almost always carries something she can use as a weapon with her when she investigates noises or whatever
    9. Know your surroundings - she knows them well enough to cause an explosion with a bottle of tequila and a fireplace power button
    10. Don't hesitate to call the police - she calls them as soon as she starts getting weirded out and they help her, huh, who-da-thunk? 
    11. Look up - she sees him in the rafters and reacts immediately

  • Rules Jill blatantly ignores:
    1. DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE - had Jill let the calls go to the answering machine she probably wouldn't have has a problem (this vampire clearly likes to play with his food, if his food won't play he'll prolly just find new food).  Not only does she answer it once
    2. Buddy System - Jill has multiple opportunities to have a friend stay with her when things start getting weird, by the time she actually seeks out a buddy it's too late
    3. Have good taste in men - Bobby is a lying, cheating, weasily, little bastard
    4. Don't Answer the Door - not only does she answer the door, but at one point she actually leaves the house
    5. Don't go upstairs - she does go upstairs and then has to get back down them in a state of shear terror without getting killed.  She also gets drug down stairs which looked really painful, but had she not made for the stairs it never would've happened.
    6. Don't assume you're safe - she assumes that she's ok when she sees Rosa's car, even though Rosa mysteriously disappeared earlier that evening and isn't answering her phone or vocal calls. . .hmmm that's just a little odd
All things considered Jill did do pretty well for herself and didn't end up getting killed.  She also didn't survive because someone saved her; she saved herself by fighting like hell and taking steps earlier in the evening to ensure she got help if and when need be.  Not only did Jill save herself, she saved a couple idiot kids who she didn't even know (and had never met until the serial killer vampire guy started his actual attack) so kudos to Jill for that. 

Isn't watching "scary" movies educational?

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