Monday, November 19, 2012

Let's Talk About Addictions

We all have them, no matter how small and innocent they are.  This is a safe space of honesty. 

According to the Bing Dictionary:
Addiction: great interest in a particular thing to which a lot of time is devoted

All of the other reputable internet dictionaries had drugs in their definition of addiction, which I just don't understand, because I think everyone in America (barring the Amish) has a technology addiction.  We all devote a lot of time to some form of technology be it computers, phones, televisions, or all of the above.  This being said, we would all go through withdrawal symptoms if those items were to be taken away from us.  Don't believe me?  Go a day without technology, I dare ya.  I, however, am not afraid to admit I have this addiction, I have many addictions, let's list them (I'm very into lists lately).

Completely Innocent List of Addictions (shameful or not) in no particular order:
  1. Craisins
  2. My computer
  3. My phone
  4. Music (not always the respectable kind, good running music is often not good music)
  5. This blog
  6. Making lists
  7. Keeping Up With the Kardashians
  8. Working out
  9. Honey Nut Chex (they're delicious)
  10. My nice, cozy, warm bed & sleep
  11. Cozy clothes
  12. Boots
  13. Other shoes
  14. Shopping
  15. Books
  16. Movies (occasionally I like the sappy ones too, I'm a lady, get over it)
  17. YouTube
  19. Horses
  20. Words With Friends (I'm a beast, I triple dog dare you to beat me)
  21. Pitch Perfect and the "Cups" song
No worries all, the only intervention I might possibly need is for my craisin addiction, I love them and they're not very good for you :( they're makin me fat.  Nothing terribly dangerous and nothing that causes actual chemical brain addictions (that we know of. . . . .I'm onto you craisins).

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