Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wanna go see a movie?

It's now 2 days after Thanksgiving.  The shopping is dying down a little, we're all hungover from the food, and we all need to get out of the house for a while.  Well, if you're looking to see a movie, here are my reviews of the (many) movies I've been to see lately (I have a little movie-going addiction).

  1. Pitch Perfect - we all know that I love this movie, but of all the movies I've been to see lately, it is still my favorite.  It is a wonderful comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously.  It is a movie about music, not a musical for all you musical haters out there.  Quick summary - it's about the experience of a rebellious college freshman/aspiring DJ (not deaf Jew) in the world of collegiate, competitive, a capella.  There's mermaid dancing, horizontal & vertical running, an epic fistfight/brawl, someone gets shot, and of course lot's of fantastic music. 
  2. Argo - spies, hostages, fake movies, danger/imminent death, and a little bit of love - what's not to like?  The thrilling tale of how the CIA 5 snuck 5 American Embassy employees out of hostile Iran in the 80's.  The best part of this movie?  It's a true story and it never should have worked - simply amazing.
  3. House at the End of the Street - a nice thriller with a decent plot twist to keep you guessing.  The best thing about this movie (for me), it'll keep you on the edge of your seat and you'll still be able to sleep at night.  I really enjoyed this movie, it's a thriller, not a horror, and it's possibly playing in a cheap theater near you. 
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower - a very well-done movie about the difficulties of high school misfits in the 90's.  It's very insightful and makes you look at your own life and views of the world.  Very good in terms of entertainment and filmography.
  5. Taken 2 - it starts a little slowly, but once you get into the action it's a non-stop thrillride. . . . . . . . .up till the embassy scene, then you know Liam Neeson's got it covered and you no longer care.  I, personally, enjoyed the action of the first one more (because there was more of it), and the cleverness of certain characters in the second one.  It's ok, go see it in the cheap theater.
  6. Breaking Dawn Part 2 - pretty good movie, definitely the best of all the Twilight Saga.  If you like Twilight, you'll like this movie.  If you're a guy and your girlfriend is going to drag you to it, take heart there's some pretty awesome action at the end.  I definitely enjoyed the major plot-twist too, it through the whole audience through a loop.
  7. Skyfall - I don't particularly like Daniel Craig as Bond, but of all his Bond movies, this one was definitely his best (brought back some class).  However, it was missing the romance element and could have used a smidge more action.  All in all, a good movie (excellent filmography).
I could have sworn there was another one that I saw recently. . . . .oh well, if I can't remember it, it probably wasn't that good.  

One movie I can't wait to see is:
Silver Linings Playbook - the book was phenomenal so I'm super excited about the movie (and really annoyed that the theater at home doesn't have it yet).  Great actors and an awesome plot with a little bit of everything for everyone.  If you can't see it, at least read the book.

'Night All!! Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving, back to school Monday for 2 weeks of hell, then the semester is OVER!!!!!!  :p

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